It actually wasn't very hard at all. I spun up a builder instance, built the rpms, copied them to an S3 bucket and then installed them on a fresh instance. Here's the steps:
1. prep the builder instance as root, getting all the dependencies installed.
yum -y --enablerepo=epel install fedora-packager rpmdevtools yum -y --enablerepo=epel install gcc gd-devel zlib-devel libpng-devel libjpeg-devel libdbi-devel perl-ExtUtils-Embed yum -y --enablerepo=epel install httpd-devel php php-devel php-gd php-ldap php-pdo php-xml php-pear useradd makerpm
2. Never build an rpm as root. Use the "makerpm" user:
sudo su - makerpm rpmdev-setuptree cd rpmbuild/ cat > .rpmmacros << EOF %_topdir %(echo $HOME)/rpmbuild %_smp_mflags -j3 %__arch_install_post /usr/lib/rpm/check-rpaths /usr/lib/rpm/check-buildroot EOF
3. Build icinga-core rpms:
sudo su - makerpm cd rpmbuild/SOURCES/ wget tar zxvf icinga-1.11.0.tar.gz icinga-1.11.0/icinga.spec mv icinga-1.11.0/icinga.spec ../SPECS/ rmdir icinga-1.11.0 cd .. rpmbuild -ba --define="_vendor redhat" SPECS/icinga.spec
4. Build icinga-web rpms:
sudo su - makerpm cd rpmbuild/SOURCES/ wget tar zxvf icinga-web-1.11.0.tar.gz icinga-web-1.11.0/icinga-web.spec mv icinga-web-1.11.0/icinga-web.spec ../SPECS/ rmdir icinga-web-1.11.0 cd .. rpmbuild -ba --define="_vendor redhat" SPECS/icinga-web.spec
This process leans heavily on the Build Icinga RPMS page which is based on the How to create an RPM package page.